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Creating a Manufacturing Order

Creating a Manufacturing order

Updated over 4 years ago

Before reading this, we suggest you read the following article: Understanding Manufacturing Order.

Manufacturing Order - refers to an order created by a company to produce a specific product.

Note: You can only create Manufacturing Orders for a Product if the Bill of Materials has been already set up. Learn more about how to create a Bill of Materials.

In short, manufacturing orders can be created for two types of workflows, Make to Order and Make to Stock in Brahmin Solutions.

Creating a Make to Stock Manufacturing Order

You can create a Make To Stock Manufacturing Orders in 2 ways:

1. First way is to manually create the manufacturing order by going to Manufacturing > New Manufacture Order or Manufacturing > View Manufacture Orders > New

2. Using the Make to Stock report by going to Manuafctruing > Make To Stock. This report will allow you to create Make To Stock MOs for products in which the stock level is below the reorder point level(Min), taking into account the quantities you have on hand, expected, allocated, and the MIN / MAX points. Select the products you want to manufacture and generate MOs in bulk.

Note: Products will appear in the Make to Stock Report until you have confirmed/finalized your production order which will increase the Expected qty of the product thus removing it from the list.

Creating a Make to Order Manufacturing Order

You can create a Make to Order Manufacturing Order only from a sales order.

Navigate to the desired Sales Order. Open the sales order and go to Action -> Create Manufacture Order.

This will show a popup that will give you two options: Navigate to the Short Products Only - This will allow you to create manufacturing orders for only the products you do not have in stock. Click create and this will create and link the MOs permanently to the sales order.

This is a quick way to create Make to Order MOs for products required by the Sales Orders.

Production Statuses

Manufacture Orders can have the following status based on the current stage:

Saved - Order is in draft status and no raw materials are allocated.

Confirmed - Raw materials are allocated and On Assembly is increased. Work Order against the Manufacturing Order can now be processed.

InProcess - Work order has been started and material is being picked and work against the manufacturing order has started.

Fulfilled - Work order is completed and the finished products are created.

Canceled - Production is canceled.

Creating a Manufacturing Order

If you created a manufacturing order via Make to Stock Report or Make To Order via the Sales order, the MO is created with a save status with the components loaded and operations added.

Manually creating a manufacturing order is done for the Make to Stock workflow and it can be done in 2 ways as described above:

1. Go to Manufacturing Menu > New Manufacture Order

2. Go to Manufacturing Menu -> View Manufacture Orders -> "New"

Manufacturing Order Header

Product (Required) - Select a product you want to produce. You can search by the product name, SKU, or the UPC. Once the product is selected you will see the Product name and the Variant name concerted together (e.g. T-Shirt - Blue/Large) and the SKU code underneath.

Type - Manufacture or Subassembly.

BOM # - Bill of Materials / Recipe the manufacturing order will use to produce the finished product. It is a dropdown where the user will select.

Quantity (Required) - select a quantity you wish to produce with this production. The unit of measure for the product will be loaded from the product. A maximum of 4 decimal places is allowed. Once the order is Inprocess the qty cannot be changed.

Confirmed Date - Date the production is confirmed finalized and raw materials are allocated. The system will automatically set it if it is left blank and the user has the ability to change it as required.

Manufactured By (Required on Confirm) - Date the order is expected to be manufactured. Set by the user and will set the priority of the production operations and orders.

Fulfilled Date - Date that is set by the system when the finished product is produced. It can be changed if needed before the order is fulfilled.

Manufacturing Rep - The rep in charge of the production order.

Reference Order # - Reference order number, can be a customer order # or any reference number.

Tags - Used to tag orders for better filtering on the view manufacture order screen.

Purchase Order - Purchase(s) that are linked to this manufacturing order.

Sales Order - Applies to MTO, linked sales order.

Parent Assembly - If the manufacturing order is a subassembly then there will be a link to the parent assembly.

Subassembly - If this manufacturing order has subassemblies associated with them their links will be shown here.

Component Items aka Materials

The component table shows all materials and subassemblies that are required to produce the product.

Ln - Line number.

Image - Default product image that will be loaded from the product images.

Item (Required) - Item that will be consumed.

Qty to Consume (Required) - Qty that will be consumed in the production process.

Waste Qty - Qty that will be recorded as waste.

Available Qty - Component qty that is available.

Unit Cost - Default unit cost will be the MAC of the line items at the time they are added. Unit Cost can be changed as needed.


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