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How to create a Bill of Materials?
How to create a Bill of Materials?

How to create a Bill Of Materials or Product Recipes

Updated over a week ago

Bill of Materials (BOM) - contains a list of all components needed to produce a product. These components can be intermediate materials, subassemblies, parts, and consumables. You may also add additional costs such as labor and overheads.

You can create a new BOM for a product manually or import it via a template.

Let’s learn how to create your first BOM through the system!

There are two types of BOMs:

Product Level BOM

Variant Level BOM: This is

Before you can create a BOM for a product, make that the product has the manufacturable flag turned on.

To begin, go to the Manufacturing Menu and click New BOM or click New in the View BOM list.

To Create Bill of Materials manually in Brahmin Solutions:

1. Add Product

Type in the product name and select the product you wish you create a Bill of Materials for. Then you will see the Variant field enable.

If you wish to create one BOM for all your product variants, make sure you option you select is Please Select Variant (). If you wish to create a BOM for a specific variant, select the variant from the dropdown.

2. Add a BOM#

Add a BOM #. This is the unique identifier for your recipe. You can either use the product name and Product SKU, or if it is a variant-specific BOM, you can use the variant SKU. It is important to use a description that can be easily identified.

3. Select the BOM Type

Two BOM types are supported.

Manufacture: Enable this if the recipe is for a product that will be the end product. Meaning it can be manufactured individually and is not always part of a larger assembly like a subassembly. Ex. A Bike BOM would be an example of type manufacture.

Sub Assembly: Enable this if this product is typically assembled as part of a larger assembly. Ex. A wheel that is part of the assembly of a Bike would be a sub-assembly.

Enabling both Sub Assembly and Manufacture will allow the product to be assembled on a manufacturing order individually and be part of a larger assembly through sub-assembly. Ex. A wheel can be made individually, which is not part of the Bike assembly, and also can be made as a part of the Bike assembly.

4. Add component quantities

To start adding the line items, start typing the component SKU or Name.

The component section on your Bill of Materials will contain the following columns:

Item (required) - you can select existing materials and products (i.e., subassemblies) to the Product Recipe.

Qty - insert a quantity used to manufacture one unit of the product. The unit of Measure for the selected item is the lowest UOM set on in the product.
Waste - this field allows you to include a margin of error in the BOM calculation. When you assemble your finished goods, the wastage quantity and assembly quantity will not be included in the component products stock on hand count. The value of quantity and wastage quantity of the component is assigned to the finished product.

Options (only for product level BOMs) - this field will only appear if you are creating a BOM at the product level for all the variants. Select the option for which you would like this component to appear. Ex. If the Bike comes in 3 options: sport, comfort, and standard. If the Sport Bike component requires sport wheels, at the component level, select the option as Sport.

Unit Cost - refers to your Moving Average Cost. This is preloaded from the items MAC. Learn more about what a Moving Average Cost is.
Total Cost - refers to the total expected cost of the product based on the BOM.

5. Add Operations / Labor (Optional)

Aside from the Component items, you may add additional costs such as operations/labor costs.

Operations - steps required to create one unit of product.

Resources - workstations or persons required to produce your finished product.

User - one or many users required to complete the operation.

Time - the duration of an operation step to produce one unit of product. This is an estimated time and can be changed on the manufacturing order.

Cost Per Hour - the average hourly cost of performing a Production Operation step. A different Cost per Hour can be inserted for each step. Typically includes salary cost but can also include the average hourly maintenance and electricity costs of the workstation. It should not include material costs.

Total Cost - Cost per Hour * Time

Note: If you do not wish to create step-by-step Production Operations but would like to add the cost of Production Operations to the total manufacturing cost of the product just as a single number, we recommend creating just one step under Production Operations, adding the desired cost to the "Cost Per Hour" field and 1 hour to the "Time" field.

6. Add Notes / Tags (Optional)

If you want to add other instructions or references, add them in the notes section.

Tags - Tags are words or phrases that will allow you to filter your recipes better.

7. Add Attachments (Optional)

If you wish to add documents or how-to manual use the attachments, add your PDFs, Images, or other Docs.

Saving BOM

Once all information has been added to your BOM, click Save. 

Congratulations! 🎉 You've added your first BOM. 😀

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