Adding A Customer

Adding a customer

Updated over a week ago

There are 3 ways to add customers in Brahmin Solutions

  • Add Customers Manually

  • Import via accounting platform or sales platform

  • Import via CSV

Adding Customers Manually

To add a new customer, select New Customer under the Outbound menu option or in View Customers, click ActionNew.

A New Customer screen will appear and you can start entering the customer information.

Addresses and contacts can be added under the information tab. Make sure to enter as much information as possible, to make it easier to contact and reference the vendor in the future. For addresses, you can tag one as a primary billing or shipping and if the address is a residential address.  

To enter the details of the customer go to the details tab and start entering the following information.

These details will be the default details for the customer on inbound orders. Details can be changed on the inbound order if needed but won’t be updated in the customer.

Minimum Order Amount - Minimum amount customer must order
- Carrier
Payment Terms - Payment Terms
Shipping Terms - Shipping Terms
Service - Shipping Service
Tax Rate - Tax Rate
Tax Exempt (Toggle) - If customer is tax exempt or not
Tax Exempt # - If customer is tax exempt then this is an editable field
Price List - Customer default price list
Sales Rep - Default Sales rep for customer
Notes - Customer Notes
Customer Pricing? - Toggle YES if customer will be using specific pricing rather than price list price and toggle NO to use price list pricing

All the dropdown values can be configured in the Configurations which is located under the Company menu option in settings.

Click Save and you are done. The new customer should now appear on your vendors page.

Congratulations! 🎉 You've added your first customer. 😀

Importing Customers Manually 

When you integrate Brahmin Solutions with an accounting platform or sales channel, it will automatically download all the customers.

To see if a specific customer is imported, check Created By and you will see which channel the customer is imported from.

Importing via CSV

Got a lot of contacts? Check out our guide to importing Customers via CSV.

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