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Carriers - Overview

Adding Carriers and editing carriers

Updated over 7 years ago

There are 3 ways to add carriers in Brahmin Solutions

  • Add Carriers Manually

  • Import via CSV

Adding Carriers Manually

To create a new carrier, click on setting icon and select New Carrier under the Company menu option.

A New Carrier screen will appear, enter the following information in the fields.

Name - Carrier Name
SCAC - Standard Carrier Alpha Code


Add an Address (Optional) under the information tab and enter the following information:

Address Name - Name of the address
Street Address - House Number and Street
City - City of the address
State/Region - State or region of the address
Postal Code - Postal Code
Country - Country of the address
Residential (Checkbox) - If address is residential
Primary (Checkbox) - If address is primary

To add contact information, go to the Contacts section (optional).

Contact Name - Name of contact
Phone Number - Phone number of the contact
Email Address - Email address of the contact

After all the information is entered, click Save.

Importing via CSV

Import carriers in bulk via the following steps:

Download the CSV template by going to Import > New Import > Select Carrier 

Fill in the template with carriers. The only required field is Name and SCAC. Don't edit or remove any columns or headers.

Save the file as a Comma Separated Values file type. 

Upload the file.

If you are having an issue importing carriers, email the file to with your username and account id. We will upload the carriers to your account and let you know when the process is done. We might need 1-2 business days depending on our availability.

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