Reorder Report
Updated over a week ago

The Reorder Report enables you to view the availability of all your products along with the default supplier. This report is designed to allow you to see which products are running low so you can replenish the stock levels.

The Reorder Report is one of the most powerful reports in Brahmin Solutions; it shows every low product and its current quantity on hand and whether there are any allocated (Sales or Manufacturing), or on order. The available amount is calculated from these quantities and a reorder amount is then suggested.

Step 1: Go to the Reorder Report

You can access the Reorder Report by going to, Purchases > Reorder Report

Step 2: Understanding the Reorder Report

Filter Descriptions

You can use all the filters to retrieve the desired data.

  • Forecast based on: Filter by Reorder Level (using the Min/Max levels) or Previous Sales (specify a date range of sales data to take into account)

  • Warehouse: Filter displays the default warehouse first, but the user can filter by other warehouses as well.

  • Vendor: Filter used to select a specific vendor.

  • SKU Code: Filter used to select a specific product.

Columns Descriptions

  • Warehouse: Displays the warehouse name for the specific warehouse.

  • Product: Displays the name of the Product.

  • SKU: Displays the SKU of the specfic product.

  • Min: Minimum Stock Alert Level value.

  • Max: Maximum stock alert value.

  • Available: Inventory available to be sold.

  • On Order: Inventory incoming into the warehouse.

  • Vendor: The default vendor of the product.

  • Reorder Qty: The total number of items required to replenish stock up to the maximum stock level (once you have fallen below the minimum). This is calculated as Max - Available - On Order - On Assembly.

Reorder Report Columns

Step 3: Filtering, Running and Reordering Stock

Enter the desired filters and run your report.

Then select the stock you want to reorder and click Generate PO.

Brahmin Solutions creates a purchase order for those items with low stock quantities.

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