Use our Xero integration to keep your accounting in sync with Brahmin Solutions.
Connecting your Xero account to Brahmin Solutions just takes a few minutes. Read more about How to connect Xero.
One way Sync
Accounts Mapping
Brahmin Solutions accounts map with the following type of Xero account types.
After confirming a Bill in Brahmin Solutions, Bills will appear under Business > Bills to pay > Awaiting Approval
Bills will Debit > Purchases and Credit > Accounts Payable (A/P).
After confirming an Invoice in Brahmin Solutions, Invoices will appear under Business > Invoices > Awaiting Payment.
Invoices will Debit > Accounts Receivable (A/R) and Credit > Sales Tax and Sales Income. Look at the example below.
Brahmin Solutions can add full or partial payments to Xero Invoice. Paying an invoice will Debit > Account getting Paid ex. Cash On Hand and Credit > Accounts Receivable (A/R). Look at the example below.
When a shipment is made, a journal entry is created which Debits > Cost Of Goods Sold (COGS) and Credit > Product Inventory. Look at the example below.
After journal entries are created, they will appear under Accounting > Manual Journals.
Inventory Adjustment - Add will create a journal entry which will Debit > Product Inventory and Credit > COGS
Inventory Adjustment - Remove will create a journal entry which will Debit > COGS and Credit > Product Inventory
Inventory Adjustment - Move / Transfer will not create a journal entry as it is just a move from one location to another.